The Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® Collaboration

Partners collaborating to promote evidence-based strategies to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke.

Advancing Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs

Advancing Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® supports state and community-based efforts to implement effective public health strategies that advance the Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® 2022 priorities.

Resources and Messaging

Compiled over several years, this easy-use toolbox of resources, webinars and Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® Messaging Campaigns can help you to promote and implement the Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® 2022 priorities. 

Hypertension Control Challenge

The Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® Hypertension Control Challenge is an opportunity for clinicians, practices, and health systems to demonstrate excellence in hypertension control. Hypertension Control Champions must reach 80% control rates among their hypertensive patients.

Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs® in Action

These spotlight stories highlight of the work of state and community partners, champions and individual survivors to help inspire, share best practices and advance the goals of Million Â̾ÞÈËÊÓƵs®.